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2002-10-05 - 3:07 p.m.

I want to be a national forest ranger. That would be a perfect job. Except for the utter lack of cash money involved in this work. Oh the debt. Oh the goddamned debt.

Today I have

walked for a long time with Basho and it was good

put together a care package for Sue, finally finally finally

got the lawn mowed, yay me

called up Blythe on the telephone but she wasn't home

attempted to de-mat poor old Harold. Thus far, unsuccessful

made plans for tonight which will include seeing a movie and eating some food with my buddy Adam

attempted to brush Basho's teeth

read this book of poems: On Long Mountain by Elizabeth Seydel Morgan. I liked it but more because I think I like her, the person, rather than her, the writer. Here's one, a perfect example of what I mean:
Can't You Hear Me
Singing, Alfred Prufrock?

I watched you today in my mind's eye--
walk down the stairs,
your rumpled pants rolled at the ankle
your bald spot round as a target.
You were going. And what's more,
dying. Or going
to die. Wait! I yelled,
I'm going too!You stopped, popeyed as a lobster:
Do I understand just what you mean?
Of course
, I said, and in an instant
we were sitting
in an orchard on Long Mountain
laughing, dying
laughing and eating
peaches, touching each
other with warm sticky fingers.

Today I have not

gotten my oil changed
written all the emails I need to write
done the dishes
given Basho a bath
graded some more
worked on either of my long-term projects both of which are languishing

Tonight I will also return 3 or 4 library books which are approximately 2 years overdue. I just received notice today that if I don't return them I owe a shitload of money. I am the worst borrower in all the land. I should be banned from libraries.

Today I refuse to feel bothered by what has not been done. I refuse the anxious galloping in my brain. I welcome the sun and the uncalled for October heat and the promise of a friendly evening in front of me and the desire for water. I have long desired water, the word, and all it implies.

