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2002-06-24 - 3:24 p.m.

Giggling me. I can't stop. I'm at work, a place frequently silent as the grave, and me, with my headphones on, trying desperately to catalog books, but ho ha! Giggles keep escaping. People are beginning to notice.

The cause of my mirth: This American Life. The episode (air date: June 14, 2002) called "Ask An Expert." The funny bit, one of the funniest things I have ever in my life heard, is the last act. It's a story on Marlon Brando. I can't think of it anymore. I'm going to die laughing here and now. Oh help.

And also: lou-cat is this week's winner because she wrote Allen Ginsberg in my guestbook (lou-cat: I only spelled his first name correctly after looking it up because I always get it wrong. Every time I get it wrong.). And what are her 15 points worth? A handsbreadth of sillygojilly and a pocketful of notmuch. Congratulations. Her people have reason to be proud.

(Bathsheba gets honorable mention because we all know she knows AND she signed my guestbook but all she said was "HOWL" like I'm supposed to know what that means. Silly rabbit. Ok. I grant her 150 bajillion points. That's on top of the 150 bajillion points she earned yesterday. Damn girl.)

