: molu4.diaryland.com

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2002-12-10 - 12:11 p.m.

Can we talk for just a moment, a very brief moment, about how much I adore Wil Wheaton? Go read his latest entry--he kills me with his honesty and coolness. I am very upset with you Rick Berman, Star Trek guy, because you are messing with the awesomest fellow in the whole world. Maybe I won't even go see your movie because you cut all of his scenes out AND you hurt his feelings.

Also, why did no one tell me that Glenn Quinn died? I am heartbroken. He played Doyle on Angel and he was the only character on that stupid show that I ever cared two shakes for.

And one last item. I swear on everything that is holy and perverse and profane and delicious and dead and heaven-sent and hell-bent, if you do not read Jhames, then you are a fool. You are no friend to me (ok, so that's not true--but if you read it and don't think he's the best damned diarist ever, then we can't be friends. Ok, so that's probably not true either). He knocks me clean over every damned day.

