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2003-01-30 - 9:39 p.m.

Man. I just have to say how much I HATE those commercials with the sad little circle person who's depressed. Or anxious. Suffering from (and this is a "dramatization") a Chemical Imbalance. So we should all get Zoloft and move along little doggie, be like all the other crayons in the crayon box. Ugh.

Not to say there's anything wrong with taking those drugs--I just hate those commercials that are soo damned cute about despair, what with the cute little storm cloud following the cute little circle person around. Yeah. That's how it is. Depression is cute. Stupid shit.

However, I am in a perfectly comfy happy little mood. I went for a long walk with Bash, past several houses for sale that I been keeping my eye on. It was cold cold cold and wet too. When we got home we both seemed to have a sheen of ice coating us. So then we curled up on the couch together with two blankets each and Miss Blue came out of her room and sang to us. That was nice.

I'm going to write my little brother Joe an email now. He's seems a little down--he's enduring his first semester in the dorms, his first time away from home and his first time away from his miles of friends. He is mighty lonesome. That boy is an EXTROVERT to the nth power but he's also extremely weird so he's having some difficulty making friends. I have to curb the impulse to go down there and shake some sense into his cool roommates who ignore him. That kid will be fine. He's an excellent and honorable and sweet sweet boy. We called him Silly Joe Willy when he was little. Also Jo-Jo. And Josephelum. And Jose. He's 22, almost 23. Right. He's a grownup. Just be nice to my little brother if you ever meet him. He's strange and will want to hug you but he's cool.

I've had too many brews. I better quit. I'm going to crawl under the covers and finish my book. It's good, friends. The Club Dumas. Have fun, you lot.

