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2004-08-17 - 1:18 p.m.

Syllabus numero cinco just went to the printers. And for the first time, I think I might like it here. No, scratch that. Last week I was thinking I might like it here�not the people, but the job. It�s actually, gasp! RELAXING. I have time to do my prep and my syllabuses (not syllabi! Do not say that! Silly word! My oh my but I�ve not heard the English language so abused by so many here in this little English department. Neither here nor there, I know�an education in literature or English or writing does not an intelligent speaker make) and I find the work of this work quite thoroughly enjoyable. I like planning my American Lit. classes. I like thinking about how to make such a seemingly dull survey course relevant and interesting and thought-provoking.

The people, though. Oh the people. That first week I despaired. I grieved my loss of the library and the weirdos and the eccentrics and the batty over-educated unambitious curiosities therein. I still miss them and that place but I find there are actually, maybe, cross-your-fingers-for-me-please, interesting people here. At first I thought these people were all entirely too clean, if you take my meaning. All with their clean and shiny cars and their neat desks and every SINGLE one of em married and dull and christian or something. The head of the Humanities Department (that is, my department) is a PE instructor! Not a thing wrong with Physical Fitness, y�all, but the head of humanities? And so enthusiastic! They call him coach! I wanted to weep and wail and nash my teeth. I kept thinking, what the fuck am I doing here? And I got the following campus-wide email:

Say NO to profanity!

Let's begin this Fall Semester by providing a safe, comfortable learning environment for all our students, faculty, and staff. One way to do this is to not allow the use of profanity on any site of the college.

Our catalog and student calendar handbook indicates the following:

"Lewd or indecent conduct, including public physical or verbal action or distribution of obscene or libelous material" as prohibited or unacceptable behavior.

The following procedures should be followed when encountering the use of profanity:

State that such language is not allowed at this college and direct the students involved to cease and desist such conduct and advise them that failure to cease and desist will result in immediate suspension. (in other words - stop it now and don't let it happen again - or you may be suspended).

If the students fails to cease and desist, (does not stop or later uses profanity again), an instructor or administrator may suspend them from class, activities, or the college until a resolution of the matter can be made.

The instructor or administrator invoking a suspension shall notify the VP for Educational and Student Support Services in writing of the persons involved and the nature of the infraction as soon as possible (ASAP). The VP shall resolve the matter in a timely fashion and may evoke sanctions as listed in the College Code of Conduct (ranging from a written reprimand to suspension from an individual class or the college. THANKS

Which made me think: Jesus! Where the in fucking fuck hellhole am I?

But I�m getting used to it. The time alone in my very own little office with just my work before me has been awesome. And pretty much that�s all it�s been, save one long advising workshop, one department meeting, and this morning�s registration. Leaving every day at 3:30 pm has been superfanstico. Today, also, folks from my department spent a good 30 minutes making fun of the above email and the college administration and I also got to see some of the politics in our itty bitty department at work and y�all know I love to see all manner of human foibles (as long as I ain�t enacting them myself�or at least where no one can see me) so that was fun. And there are cool people, I�m slowly finding out. Not least of whom is the PE instructor who is my department chair. I like him. He�s a smart and funny and affable and v. v. helpful person. That be good.

They�re trying to start up a creative writing class�one of the fellas here got his MA in creative writing and he�s younger than me, I think, and he�s trying to start all these cool things. I talked to him a good while this morning and I decided I do like him, also.

I�m missing the library less and liking it here more and that, my friends, is about the best I can say for this whole thing. Last Wednesday morning I could barely get out of bed the dread and fear and anxiety about this place was so great. I cried all week straight. So this is a vast vast improvement. Thank the gods.

Tomorrow my brother Dan arrives, girlfriend in tow. Thursday, classes start. And that, my friends, is where we stand. Later, dudes.

