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2005-08-01 - 12:19 p.m.

Ugh. I'm all swollen all over. I hate that I'm a sweller. I'm sitting here at the dang computer at dang work (actually, I'm glad to be back here. Yep. Me. Glad to be back at work. All that free time was killing me) and I can't take it anymore. I keep getting up and walking around and shaking everything out, but it's no good. I'm all swelled up. Ugh ugh ugh.

I'm trying to figure out how to plan out my classes this semester. How do I plan a schedule that includes a baby in the middle of it when I don't know when the baby will come and/or how much time I'll need off, etc? I'm hoping to just take two weeks. This is boring for all of you, I know. But it's all that's going on, yo.

For Emily: Baby due date = Halloween. I think that's the coolest due date on the calendar. That's because I have the coolest baby.

This summer has been the Summer of the Kitten (SOTK). We are keeping the four kittens, previously discussed. I love them I love them I love them. Jeff's allergic. We're working out a compromise. But then Jeff came in the house about a month ago with ANOTHER KITTEN found in our shed on a rainy Saturday morning. We took him to the animal shelter in Winston. And then last Friday (also a rainy day), a wee sweet thing was making a huge racket outside the Ramseur public library and I couldn't ignore him. Cute cute cute kitten who was scared to death and also starving. I got him all bundled up and then one of the librarians asked if we were going to keep him (with HUGE SMILE on her stupid face). Jeff said no, but that we were taking it to the shelter. The HUGE SMILE instantly faded and she said, oh. Jeff said, do YOU want to take him home? And she said, no. And scowled at us as she hurried inside. I hate her. That little fella we took to the shelter in Pittsboro. I don't quite trust the local shelter--I mean, I totally trust the people who run the shelter. I just don't trust the residents of Randolph County to adopt kittens in need. That's all.

But I decided that I am pro animal shelters. I used to be all against them and only in favor of no-kill shelters. But I changed my damn mind this summer--too many orphaned and throw-away critters, too many irresponsible folks not getting their animals fixed. Somebody has to clean up the mess that the careless people make. I mean, that fucking lady at the library was fine with the poor babe starving to death outside her front door. I figure at the shelter, he'll be fed and kept warm and treated well, and maybe he'll be adopted by nice people (he's so dang cute, I bet so). But even if they have to put him down, at least it will be done decently and as painlessly as possible. It's a mess we made, we best clean it the fuck up.

Ok, so that was my SOTK rant. I know all you pretty people are very responsible pet people who get your animals fixed. I like preaching to the choir.

I do love my kittens, though. They are so fun! And I love all their personalities--all four are completely different and interesting and gorgeous. I'm in love. I will show you tons of pictures someday when I get my gold membership back online and also get a scanner and also get internet access at home. Uh, yeah. Don't hold your breath.

What else? I can't remember. I don't know what I did this summer besides find the extreme hotness completely intolerable. I must have freezing air-conditioning and fans blowing on me at all times. I'm like a permanent heat flash over here. And then with the crazy temperatures. Sheesh.

Jeff only has four more weeks of work and then he is at home all the time. I am excited for him and for me and for the babe. I think this is the perfect plan for us. You see, I tend toward absolute and utter dissipation when I am home all day. I must have a planned place I have to go if I am to make anything of myself. And really, this is such a piece of cake job, all things considered. So yay! And Jeff is such the master of productivity and self-motivation that our lives will no doubt improve 10-fold by having him home full-time. We will eat gourmet meals (made exclusively from organic home-grown thingies) on our new deck whilst breathing in the deliciously fragrant air from our gorgeous wild-flower fields and newly forested land and the pigs will have piggie obstacle courses and the cats will have up and down ramps into the newly fenced backyard. And so on. That fella is brilliant.

Read the new Harry Potter. Cried. (Am pregnant).

Went camping three times. Once in North Carolina, once in New York, and once on the South Carolina/Georgia border. That last one included my whole familia (sans Dan) and Jeff's parents. Dude. Least we lived to tell the tale.

Drove 11 hours by myself to Florida. Which, really, I don't recommend doing when one is nearly seven months pregnant and a sweller. Except if it's to see fair Brittania and her cuter and cooler than any other 14th month old kid on the planet, Elijah. Then it's worth it.

What I did not do even though I planned to do it: write every day, go for walks every day, visit Blythe in Wilmington, visit Tealeaf and her newest kin in Colorado, de-clutter whole house, pack up all clothes I can't wear, set up baby space, finish painting house.

That list is making me tired. Fuck that list.

Plus my hands are now three sizes too big. I'm off for another walk around campus to de-swellify myself. Ciao my pretties.

