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2002-10-30 - 11:37 a.m.

Why oh why oh why am I hungover today? Those damned oatmeal porters last night, just three mind you, got me totally silly but I have to teach all this stuff today and I just want to lie down and weep.

And I haven�t even done the reading for class tonight.

But I saw Punch Drunk Love and it was good. Good like learning to finally whistle good.

My pop writes poetry. Who knew?

I don�t care about Antigone. I really don�t a lot.

I want to drink coca cola.

I want my Bashi.

I helped Reginald and Barbara move on Sunday and Barbara is now nearing month 5 of her pregnancy and she�s going to have a girl and she showed me how big her baby is now and I was almost physically ill with envy. Again, I ask, who knew?

Frances is on Oz watch. I love it. Looking out for good and decent boys. One boy, she wrote his name down on a piece of paper at the coffee shop on Sunday because she didn�t want to say it out loud and then later she said, did you take that piece of paper away? Because later she found out he just started working at the coffee shop. And another boy was at the bar last night. I love the Oz watch. The Oz watch makes me feel safe and solid and hopeful and cared for and happy all around. Yay Frances.

I don�t want it to be 11:36. That means class starts soon.

I�m too hungover to be anything but shallow and nervous and thirsty.

The end.

