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2002-06-08 - 3:33 p.m.

What fun mail! My little brother Shawn (age 13) has sent me a letter wishing me belated birthday cheer and a $5 check. The kid cracks me up. I can't wait to cash this baby in. Also in the mail: a hefty gift certificate to the local organic foods co-op. I think my mother has been being my mother again. She really is the best ever. I'm getting vegetables. I can't wait.

The gods are smiling on me today. The weather is more beautiful than you can possibly imagine.

Last night Bathsheba wiped the floor with me in a pool tournament. Well. Actually I won 2 of the games and she won 3. But I think I only got a total of 4 balls in the whole time and even those were entirely accidental. I won because she sunk the 8 ball. Both times, that's how I won. Geometry (or physics?) has not served me well.

The regulars (at least, those whom I imagine as regulars) looked like pool hall set pieces: pairs of almost shady looking men with cigarettes and drinks and florid clothing taking up the outer tables. I bet they brought their own cues. A whole group of kids--rather well-to-do hippie kids, more Chapel Hill than Greensboro, sat drinking their beers and smoking their American Spirits and playing blues on the juke box (oh how that made me giggle). In one corner the most frightening man I have ever laid eyes on played with a tiny, suburban looking woman. She looked like she should be at a PTA meeting. He looked like he should be in jail. On one wall a sign: "use machines at your own risk." Indeed.

We have decided to go back every week. We're going on ladies night next time, though, when the playing is free. Because you know, we're ladies. Watch out.

Once when a ball went in, Bathsheba said, "isn't that the best sound ever?" Also on her list of best sounds: percolating coffee and rain on wet leaves. She's right. But of course we all knew that.

I went to catboy's house too last night and he did both a forward and a backward somersault on the hard wood floor. And he said he could do hundreds of round-offs if we were outside. Catboy, it seems, has hidden talents.

Soon the walking time will commence. But first, much coffee. I'm only now waking up. 2:30 pm. What hedonism.

Addendum, 10:30 pm: My status as an old person has just now been confirmed. Catboy should be pleased. My neighbors (the hateful ones) are having a party. A big humongous family party with people of all ages and it is LOUD. Radios are blaring, teenage girls are doing cheers, the little ones are playing hide and go seek, and what looks from here like hundreds of random loud people are milling about all over the neighborhood. I can't read, I can't write, I can't watch TV, I can't bloody well think. Basho is completely freaked out. I am deeply annoyed. How dare people have fun. I hate fun.

