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2002-08-05 - 1:48 p.m.

Oy. Head. Aches. Crazy Tia is yelling over the phone right next to me and this is not helping. Lord. I�m working a full day today. I�ve done nothing. As per my entire existence. Now she�s off the phone and flying off the handle. She�s seriously, certifiably, wacko.

Enough with the crazy Tia shenanigans.

I took an abbreviated lunch break. I stopped by the coffee shop and noticed that Bartholomew Klakk has an entire wall dedicated to his art. Some if it�if he gets somebody to pay $15 for two lines scribbled on a sheet of yellow legal pad paper I�ll be mighty impressed. That shit�s crazy. I should have held on to his final portfolio. Could be worth some cash. But I take the whole thing as a good luck sign. As I take anything at all to do with Bartholomew Klakk as a good luck sign. Not that I believe in such things�although neither do I not believe in such things. I don�t step on the cracks in the sidewalk because, I figure, can�t hurt. Can�t be too careful when it comes to my momma. Can�t be too careful when it comes to staying on the right side of the luck equation.

Buzz buzz buzz in the brain. Woof. And she�s gone. Crazy Tia has left the building. Silence, blessed silence, reigns.

Brittania, this list was inspired by you.

If a boy did any of the following I would immediately start making out with him:

1. Gave me a Popsicle without provocation. As in, we�re walking down the street and he pops into the convenience store (located, conveniently, on the street) and pops back out with a frozen fruity treat for me.
2. Copied something magnificent he read for me just because it was so magnificent. Or any variation on this theme: i.e. called me up to tell to read something or to read me something or to tell me to listen to whatever or watch whatever. You know.
3. Tied my shoes because he noticed they were untied.
4. Gave his bottled water to a thirsty dog on a hot day.
5. Braided my hair. Or something. Maybe put my hair into pigtails.

This list is ongoing. I can�t finish it now. I�ve work to do. Sheesh.

