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2002-08-14 - 6:25 p.m.

Hmm. I said, hmmm. JH from RCC wants to know if I want to teach a second night class. Hmmmm. What to do, what to do. I do want to teach another class, but I'm still holding out a vague and desperate hope that the school where I work will want to give me a class. That's not going to happen, is it?

Total I will get paid for teaching two classes at RCC: about $2800.

Total I will get paid if I teach one class there and one class here: $4400.

But they aren't offering me a class. They aren't, they aren't. I must get this in my head. And also: I will go positively mad teaching two classes and working full time. But this is also true: without Bathsheba I will have close to no social life.

Tell me what I should do. Tell me now.

I went to a lecture on ergonomics today. For 90 minutes some buffoon with no public speaking abilities and nothing intelligent to say chattered in front of me. Instead of listening I made a calendar and calculated how many classes I had to plan before fall break and then I drew another calendar and calculated a strict budget for myself which I will never stick to. I've already thrown it out. Then I drew a mustache and hair on my ergonomically correct person picture. She was a hermaphrodite with a curlicue mustache like Salvador Dali. The buffoon had this verbal tic wherein he said "etcetera" instead of the more standard "um" and you have no idea, NONE, how grating this was. Eegads. Claribel passed the time by counting all the etceteras.

This is how I like to sit in my ergonomically designed office chair: feet drawn up to my chin so that I might have a place to rest my weary head whilst I pretend to work. Stick that in your 90 degree angle mister office safety guy and smoke it if it be your pleasure.

We're not getting raises this year because the state budget is such a wreck. But I am a-ok with this fact because, instead, we're most likely getting 10 more vacation days. And all at once too--no accruing or any of that bunk. How lovely and delicious. I could save up all my days for the year and next summer I'd have a whopping month of paid leave. Rockin.

It's close enough to 6:30. I'm going to the lake.

