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2002-09-11 - 12:51 a.m.

I have to go to bed. But I'm up now, you see. I missed my window of sleeping opportunity. Went and saw that movie The Good Girl with Scott. I'm not sure yet if I liked it. I didn't not like it. How's that for a ringing endorsement?

Items for the Things Fall Apart file:

1. Remember how Basho got out a couple of days ago? Well. Turns out he's learned to jump the daggum fence. I have fetched him out of the neighbor's yard several times. I never learn. I've concocted a makeshift something or other to keep him fenced in, but it doesn't work.

2. The radio stopped working in the truck. Some wire or something seems to have jiggered its way loose and I've been fiddling with it for a few days to no avail. The silence while I drive has made me keenly aware that something is very wrong with the truck.

3. The last of the old time cats from my childhood, Cinder, died yesterday. My poor brother Joe ran over her and he is a wreck. He rushed her to the vet and they put her down. He is wracked with guilt and grief and there is nothing we can do to salve this for him. Poor kid. Poor Cinder.

4. Tomorrow--today--is September 11, 2002. I am blank.

