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2002-11-11 - 9:04 a.m.

Ok so I really should be at least contemplating planning class because it's the class before the exam and I know I have to know stuff. So this here is a Monday morning thought dump so that I might move forward.

1. I've been up since early. Grading. Ugh.

2. The truck wouldn't start again this morning. It's the damp and the rain. I walked to work. I was mega late. I was wet. I was blistered. Grr. Except the weather is so witchy--warm and windy as hell with the leaves swirling up in tight little sworls, umbrellas flipping inside out, my skirt flying up, my hair in my eyes. That part was neat.

3. I think my mumma is buying up all this stuff on my wishlist over at amazon so I can't look there anymore or else I'll know what she's bought. I used to have over 70 items there. Now, only 56. It's so exciting. I can't look anymore. Moms are super.

4. Someone else take over my life, please? Just for a week? This is what you need to do: pay my damned parking tickets and read my homework and plan the hell out of my classes because we are getting down to the wire and write the exam and clean the house and do the laundry and make it all fun! I want fun.

5. This entry sucks. I'm shutting up.

6. Oh no I'm not--I watched Angel last night, a show I do not watch because it is horrible and stupid and makes fools out of characters I once loved, but last night I watched it. And it was good. I love you Joss Whedon, wherever you are.

7. That is all. Seriously. Goodbye.

