: molu4.diaryland.com
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2002-10-30 - oz watch
2002-10-23 - the day is done
2002-10-23 - mood dump #837
2002-10-23 - only 1/4 of the way through Wednesday and already I want to give the world a black eye and a bloody nose
2002-10-23 - journal raping
2002-10-22 - gray tuesday
2002-10-21 - starving, grouchy, and vastly content
2002-10-20 - newstuff
2002-10-18 - an embarrassment of riches
2002-10-16 - thinking of compiling a reading list which may in turn allow me to consider reading new books
2002-10-16 - class class class CLASS
2002-10-15 - The OED is mine
2002-10-14 - blasted chill
2002-10-11 - busted
2002-10-10 - move along little doggie
2002-10-10 - let's do this dance again, shall we?
2002-10-09 - damn the phones
2002-10-09 - anxiety
2002-10-08 - oh dear
2002-10-07 - second verse same as the first
2002-10-06 - grading
2002-10-06 - meet my future husband
2002-10-05 - lonesome pilgrim
2002-10-04 - grammar police smackdown with no follow through
2002-10-04 - yucky popcorn
2002-10-03 - plug in, plug out
2002-10-02 - slaphappypunchdrunkstupid
2002-10-02 - life in list form
2002-10-01 - chitchatthisandthat
2002-10-01 - pre marathon meeting blahness

current month