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2003-01-23 - 2:09 p.m.

It's a snow day, friends. Bash has settled himself on the back of the couch and I've opened the blinds for him and he just lies there, wagging that cute tail of his, looking at the white white world. It's damned cold, but we still had fun out there, throwing the snow at each other. Even Harold got in on the fun--he's normally quite averse to snow (cold and wet--not quite his cuppa), but this fine stuff is so powdery, he just threw himself down into it, rolling and chasing the secret snow fleas that only he can see (my buds here got imagination--I can just see them making up stories while they stare off into the white and then, right when they get that story straight, zoom! They're off to catch the imaginary foe who hides out under that snow bank, just over there. Funny cat. Funny dog. Godblessem.)

And then we came in and I made coffee and oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar and as long as I have heat and the radio, this snow can stay around as long as it likes.

I do believe it has snowed more this winter than any other since I've moved here. Tonight it's supposed to get down to 10 degrees. Super cold, especially for a subtropical gal like me.

Ok, I know I put too many poems up here and that most people just jump right over them and that's completely fine, by the way, but I've these two right here that got me feeling so hopped up and full of joy and so, I must, I just have to, put at least one of em up. This is by Olena Kalytiak Davis.


Six Apologies, Lord

I Have Loved My Horrible Self, Lord.
I Rose, Lord, and I Rose, Lord, And I,
Dropt. Your Requirements, Lord. 'Spite Your Requirements, Lord,
I Have Loved The Low Voltage Of The Moon, Lord,
Until There Was No Moon Intensity Left, Lord, No Moon Intensity Left
For You, Lord. I Have Loved The Frivolous, The Fleeting, The Frightful
Clouds. Lord, I Have Loved Clouds! Do Not Forgive Me, Do Not
Forgive Me LordandLover, HarborandMaster, GuardianandBread, Do Not.
Hold Me, Lord, O, Hold Me

Accountable, Lord. I Am
Accountable. Lord.

Lord It Over Me,
Lord It Over Me, Lord. Feed Me

Hope, Lord. Feed Me
Hope, Lord, Or Break My Teeth.

Break My Teeth, Sir,

In This My Mouth.


Um. That was really hard to type. All those capital letters. I'm going to go write my own poems now. It's just the thing on a day like this when the world is all cold and white and I am warm and bright in my house with my drowsing animals all around me. Have fun all you out there. It's a fun day today, the twenty third of January in the year 2003.

