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2003-05-12 - 5:14 p.m.

I'm so damnedably sleepy right now. It's the kind of sleepy wherein your eyelids droop and you may find yourself, at any moment, with your cheek firmly planted on your keyboard and then the drool and then the boss waking you up and suddenly you're in high school english again. Bored, tired, ssssssleeeeepy but with that slight edge of fear, afraid to get caught.

I would normally take this opportunity to describe for you my weekend, which was chockfull of yummy and delicious fun. But I don't want to right now.

I have every intention of staying at work until 9 pm this evening. I can't wait until all these people leave. Very soon, my pretties.

Library library library, I want to eat you up library. I love you library. Nobody can see me in the library. I am invisible and the world is clean and ordered and safe. I just wish dogs were allowed. No. I just wish Basho were allowed. He'd sleep right at my feet and we'd be no fuss at all. We'd be our very own secret society. When I go home I'm getting into bed straight away with me book and me pup and maybe, baby, I'll have a glass of wine too. I want to be drinking wine today. Which, as you know, I hate. Wine, I mean. But it's like Frances says about baths, sometimes I forget I hate wine (or baths) and think I should try it out again.

Oh. How terribly sad. I'm going to die of sleepiness.

Fuck the social committee. I'm punk rock. What the hell am I doing in this mess? I ain't punk rock. I'm just a pushover. Harrumph.

I just walked down to the basement and back to help me wake up. It worked except when I saw the couches in the staff break room and had to lie down for a minute. But after that I was a little bit less sleepy. Now I'm a lot sleepier again.

Jimmy Ray, who I love, his brother died this weekend. He was 47.

I did not call my momma yesterday and that's because we do not celebrate any of the following holidays: mother's day, valentine's day, "administrative assistant's" day, grandparent's day. Other holidays that I don't care about at all but that I occasionally celebrate if only for the free food and alcohol and friends: thanksgiving, new year's eve, easter. We do celebrate father's day. This is because my pops sometimes needs (a lot of times needs) validation. My mumma does not but she gets it because we all tell her how kickass she is all the time. Pops, he doesn't hear things like that very often. He's more of the slow and steady wins the race kind of guy, keep your head down and just get the job done. Moms, however, is grease lightning! Super!

Wow. I am the most boring writer ever. I'm sorry for you lot but not sorry enough to be better, not today. Tomorrow tomorrow I'll love you tomorrow it's only a day away.

