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2008-03-04 - 11:12 a.m.

I'm not going to say anything about the new d-land design because I'm still hoping it will just go away.

Report: Cats still gone. Heart still sick.

I am also sick with a cold. So's Jeff. Remarkably, the children are fine.

Ossie, who has figured out that the baby, she is going nowhere but in his stuff said this, whilst wielding a large broom: "I'm going to bang her! We get a NEW baby!" He was full of glee. And, I have to admit, I found this funny and charming--but only because I was there to make sure he did not, in fact, BANG HER. As he wants to do all day long. With his fists, his cars, his football, his shirt, his toes, his legos, he cereal bowl, and his favorite fork. I am sure that this is all because the girl has turned damned cute. She likes to talk and eat and laugh and hug and wrestle. She eats everything. She eats more in one day than Ossie. He hates food. She is crazy and passionate about everything edible. We are feeding her whole foods in big pieces--self-led feeding. It's awesome. I really really wish we had done this with Ossie.
Great article here about it

I am rather miserable at my job. I think my boss really doesn't like me. Sucks. I hate to admit how much this affects my willingness to be at work. And the thing is, I've tried to get her to like me. I can't figure out why she doesn't like me, also. I get along with everybody else here. Everybody. She is nice to everybody except me. Why? It really sucks. She even gets along really well with Jeff! She is super nice to him! Way way nicer than she ever is to me. I just can't figure this one out. But I tell you what, I wish I weren't here.

Even though I am enjoying most of my classes this semester. Even though I am finally going to get to teach a creative writing class in the fall. And literature classes again.

Whatever. I needs to shut up.

My head is a-fog and I've got many papers to grade. Sad days here.

